Web Development
Web Developer and Marketing Tech Enthusiast
Should I use Jekyll for a Website?
What is Jekyll The quick answer - a static site generator. You create templates using Liquid template engine, and content using HTML and Mark...
Hreflang System for Wordpress
HrefLang Class This class handles buidling the href lang tags across all of out international Wordpress implementations. The class instance is...
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Feedback Dashboard using Vue.js For Wordpress
I just completed a Feedback system for monitoring if a FAQ post was helpful or not. Every post...
Ajax JSON obj to HTML template Using Vue JS
I wanted to take a simple results set from a database using php, return that result set back as a...
Predatory Sales Tactics of Web Security
Disclaimer: This is not a review or a recommendation for the site protection services the company...
Linux Server Web Security Resources
Need a crash course in Linux Server Security and Administration? Here's a boat load Secure...
Mysql unresponsive after DB Import
Here's your scenario. You've installed mysql on your local machine. Everything was working fine....
Dealing With Hacked Wordpress on EC2
I was going to start this article by saying that I'm a big fan of Wordpress, but I'm hesitating....
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