Category: code/

SSL Installation Checklist

SSL Checklist Before you go HTTPS If you have a website with sensitive data you have to have an...

John H John H
5 minutes

Deploy a Git submodule project on Elastic Beanstalk

Git submodules are a handy way of segmenting modules and plugins in your code into separate Git...

John H John H
4 minutes

Elastic Beanstalk Deploying an Artifact

Deploying an artifact gotto directory and eb init and select all of the configs region...

John H John H
4 minutes

Ways to Transfer Domains

It always amazes me how difficult it is to transfer a domain. I suppose it is hard for a few...

John H John H
6 minutes

Deleting records in AWS Cloud Search

Deleting All Records through SDK Managing documents is sucky in Cloud Search. The CloudSearch...

John H John H
~1 minute

HTML checkbox submit a value if not checked using JQuery

HTML checkboxes are horrible. If they are checked - they will submit a value, but if they aren't...

John H John H
2 minutes

Fix Sorting in Javascript

Normally sort function compare the ascii values of characters.  This becomes and issue when you...

John H John H
~1 minute

Why is Javascript so popular

The last 4 years has seen Javascript hotness like never before. You have a language that is native...

John H John H
4 minutes