Tag: css


[caption id="attachment_937" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Website for searching for what your...

John H John H
~1 minute

Less Pros and Cons

You might be wondering what Less is?  It is a Css preprocessor - just like Sass or Stylus.  So,...

John H John H
8 minutes

Pros and Cons of Bootstrap

What is Bootstrap If you haven't heard about Bootstrap and you've been building websites...

John H John H
10 minutes

Simple HTML content fade in with JQuery

JQuery in the Head $( document ).ready(function() {...

John H John H
2 minutes

Responsive Design for Small Medium and Large Screens

Making your website design responsive can be really difficult if you have static widths on...

John H John H
3 minutes

Make your website Google Mobile Friendly

[caption id="attachment_576" align="alignleft" width="300"] Google Mobile Friendly Test[/caption]...

John H John H
9 minutes

Finding the Last Element

Many times you want to find the last element of something. Obviously there are many different ways...

John H John H
3 minutes