jekyll static site quickstart

by John H
~1 minute

This is directly from, the main website for jekyll.

  gem install bundler jekyll

  jekyll new my-awesome-site

  cd my-awesome-site

  bundle exec jekyll serve

# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

Once you've installed and started all you have to do is goto your website directory in terminal and type the

bundle exec jekyll serve

This is important because it will autobuild your site. Also all of your links will be relative to the root directory so you can't really run the site effectively without serving it like a server would.

To Stop the Server

Hit cntrl+c in terminal.

Serving the Site on a production server

Upload your _site directory to the root of your server. You can also make your jekyll project a git repo and execute a git pull on the project which will pull down all of the rendered files in the _site directory. In order for the _site directory to be served you will need to configure your apache or nginx server to serve the _site directory as the directory folder

<VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/jekyll_website/_site/"
        DirectoryIndex index.html

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